Gold visas in Lisbon and Porto end on July 1

  • 31 December, 20

The Government approved in the Council of Ministers the revision of the gold visa regime, in an attempt to channel more foreign investment to low-density territories, as is the case in the interior of the country. The review will stop investment in real estate through gold visas in the most desirable regions, namely Greater Lisbon and Greater Porto. According to the statements made at the end of the Council of Ministers on the 22nd of December 2020, the new regime will come into force on July 1st, 2021, with a foreseeable transitional period until 2022, the revision of residence permits already granted is not included.

In sum, changes will come into effect in 2021, but only after the publishing of the decree will we be able to know the details. If it’s your intention to start the Golden Visa process, and wish to benefit from the current regime, we advise to start your process as soon as possible to make sure your application is submitted before July 1st, 2021.