Portugal Golden Visa’s Update: There Is No Changes On Real Estate Rehabilitation Category

  • 15 February, 21

After a year of rumors and ever-changing semi-official announcements, on February 12, 2021, the actual updates to the law were published. It takes effect on January 1, 2022. (Decree-Law No. 14/2021 of February 12, issued by the Council of Ministers).

There will be no changes on the regulations related to the Golden Visa category in Portugal regarding the €350k real estate rehabilitation into hospitality projects in Porto and Lisbon, and the €280k real estate rehabilitation into hospitality projects in the non urban areas.

What’s changing in 2022

The rest of most of golden Visa categories, either the investment amounts are increased, such as the Investment Funds, to €500k or they do not qualify any longer, such as the real estate residential investments in Lisbon, Porto and part of the Algarve, as of January 1st 2022.

Residence permits for investment that, as from January 2022, will foresee a higher investment value than the one that was currently applicable:

  • Investment through Capital Transfer: Increase from €1M to €1.5M
  • Investment through Research – Increase from €350K to €500K
  • Investment by creating a company providing 5 jobs – Increase from €350K to €500K
  • Investment through investment funds or venture capital funds – Increase from €350K to €500K
Mercan Group – Leading Real Estates Development Group in Porto under Golden Visa Program. The number of application for Golden Visa program from Mercan Group accounts for fully half of all Golden Visa applications in Porto. At Mercan, we guarantee to buy back your investment in case your application is denied.

Source: iaservices