Despite Being Below Pre-Pandemic Levels by 61.1%, Europe Among Least Affected Regions for Tourist Arrivals

  • 19 June, 22

Western Europe has scored the lowest percentage change in the number of international tourist arrivals comparing 2021 and 2019 levels, indicating the impact the COVID-19 pandemic had on the tourism sector.

According to Statista, the data company, the change in the number of foreign tourists is the lowest in Western Europe, including countries like France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands, reports.

A similar flow of international tourists was noticed in 2020 when 60.9 per cent of pre-pandemic levels of tourism were recorded in this region of Europe.

However, the second-most affected area remains Central and Eastern Europe, which lags behind pre-pandemic levels of international arrivals by 64.3 per cent, while these rates were even lower last year when the region’s tourism rates were down by 69.3 per cent compared to 2019 levels.

This region, including countries like Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovenia, continues to be affected by concerning numbers of international tourist arrivals, as the Russian invasion of Ukraine is expected to impact the new arrivals’ confidence.

Cre: Schengenvisa