Over Half of Europeans Hope They’ll Be Able to Travel Before August 2021

  • 2 March, 21

The increasing number of approved vaccines, and in line with it, the increasing number of vaccinated persons, has raised the hopes of many in Europe that by the beginning of summer, they will be able to take at least their first trip, after months of social distancing.

A report of the European Travel Commission (ETC) named “Monitoring Sentiment for Domestic and Intra-European Travel – Wave 5” shows that in spite of the pandemic, and all the existing obstacles for traveling within the block abroad, the desire of Europeans to travel remains strong.

According to the report, amid the pandemic, 69 per cent of European travelers claim that they feel safer if their destinations have strict measures against COVID-19 in place. One of the main reasons why the hopes of Europeans to travel soon are restoring is the rollout of vaccines in all EU countries so far, with 11 per cent of them claiming that effective vaccination would play an important role for them traveling again.

It also highlights that health concerns regarding air travel are now lower than in September 2020, falling from 20 per cent as it was back then to 16 per cent. As a result, the percentage of those who plan to travel by plane has increased from 49 per cent to 54 per cent throughout the same period.
