Portugal is the best country in the world for teleworking
- 21 January, 22
Momondo’s “Work While Traveling Index” ranked 111 countries based on remote working conditions and opportunities for travel experiences. 22 factors were evaluated, divided into six categories that may interest travelers when choosing a destination: local prices (such as rental prices, transport, restaurants), health and safety (political stability, LGBTI+ rights, pollution), remote work (speed internet, coworking spaces, remote work visa), social life (nightlife, culture), weather (temperature, precipitation) and travel (hotel prices, car rental, fuel, etc.).
“Portugal was ranked as the best country in the world for remote work. Some of the reasons that explain this are the fact that Portugal has a remote work visa, the high level of English of many inhabitants, its high political stability with no violence, great climate and low air pollution”, explains Momondo.
Cre: Idealista