Portugal ranked best country to retire

  • 13 July, 23

A list by www.movingtospain.com has ranked the 10 best European countries to consider for retirement, with Portugal coming out on top. Spain followed in second, then Italy.

The study considered life expectancy, cost of living, housing prices, population above the age of 65, safety, visa accessibility, beach quality, and healthcare as determining factors.

Portugal topped off the list with a score of 7.83 out of 10. The tip of Europe is notably the second lowest on the cost-of-living index, only being more expensive than Bulgaria, and has the third cheapest housing prices. It’s also third in sunshine hours, has the second-highest elderly population and the second-best peace index. Overall, it didn’t rank first in any specific category, but it’s a consistently friendly country to retirees.

Author: https://movingtospain.com/

Cre: Portugalnews