Portugal Updates: New Regulation Extending of Civil Documents

  • 22 March, 21

Given the international public health emergency caused by COVID 19, the Portuguese Government has recently published a new regulation extending, the validity of civil documents

In this regard, we want to emphasize the following:

Residence permit cards whose validity expired on or after February 24th, 2020 must be accepted for all legal purposes until December 31st, 2021.

Nevertheless, the extension is exclusively recognized by the Portuguese authorities, meaning that investor can only entry in Schengen Area directly to Portugal, otherwise they must be in a possession of a short-term visitor’s VISA or a valid Schengen VISA.

Mercan Group will be on top of this subject and provide feedback in the coming weeks for future developments.

Source link: https://dre.pt/web/en/home/-/contents/159707135/details/normal