Six months into Portugal’s Covid vaccination programme over half country has received ‘at least one shot’

  • 9 July, 21

Six months into Portugal’s Covid vaccination programme and over half the country (5.3 million people) have received at least one shot of one of the approved vaccines (Pfizer being the most administered).

Giving a round-up of the ‘situation so far’, SIC television commentator Luís Marques Mendes explains that data so far shows 3.3 million fully-vaccinated (in other words, a third of the population).

Taking different age groups, 98% of the over-80s have been vaccinated, 99% of the over-70s, 94% of the over 60s and 89% of the over-50s.

Plans for July are to continue ‘forging forwards’ with younger cohorts, to the extent that by the end of July 96% of the over 50s should have received at least one shot; 95% of the over-40s, 51% of the over-30s and 25% of the over 20s.

As for ‘vaccine efficacy’ to the Delta variant storming through populations –  again using British figures – Mr Marques Mendes stressed that anyone with their full complement of shots stands to have “more than 80% protection”.

Taking the two ‘leading vaccines’: Pfizer and AstraZeneca, the first is seen as reducing hospitalisations in the case of infection by the Delta variant by 96%; the second by 92%.
